Bursa Lowongan Kerja DEPNAKER Resmi Oktober 2018 Lulusan SMA SMK Diploma Sarjana Master Doktor Semua Jurusan, Informasi Lowongan Kerja BANK BUMN CPNS Terbaru Oktober 2018 Job Fair 2018 Di Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja SUMMIT Institute of Development

Loker Terbaru SUMMIT Institute of Development - Situs lowongan kerja www.bursakerjadepnaker.info  kembali hadir untuk anda yang saat ini terdapat lowongan kerja di Summit Institute of Development. Summit Institute of Development bertujuan untuk mengurangi angka kematian ibu dan bayi dalam konteks pemeriksaan kehamilan rutin yang resmi didirikan pada tahun 2007 oleh beberapa Anggota Tim Manajemen Senior dari SUMMIT.

Kantor pusat:

Office 1
Summit Institut Of Development
Jalan Bung Hatta no 28
Mataram, 83231, NTB, Indonesia
Phone +62.370.644.347

Office 2
PT Inovasi Sehat Indonesia 
Jalan Proklamasi 66 Menteng
Jakarta Pusat

Lowongan Kerja Summit Institute of Development

Silahkan untuk anda yang berpengalaman dalam bidang ini, SUMMIT Institute of Development membuka lowongan kerja sebagai Project Coordinator. Adapun persyaratan yang diwajibkan uktuk mengisi posisi jabatan di SUMMIT Institute of Development, silahkan simak dengan teliti dibawah ini.

Lowongan Kerja Summit Institute of Development

Project Coordinator

Tanggung jawab:
  • You will assist the primary investigators and to coordinate the project implementation and management, including day-to-day management of staff, execution of all phases, reporting and problem solving for the full length of the project. You will be responsible for training field staff, developing user manuals, and ensuring stakeholder engagement.

  1. Experience working in epidemiology research is desirable and demonstrated experience in quantitative data analysis, including the use of statistical packages (e.g. Stata, SAS)
  2. Postgraduate qualifications in public health or related discipline (pref. Masters Degree)
  3. Strong computer and database skills including Microsoft Word and Excel
  4. Strong managerial experience, including demonstrated administrative and organisational skills
  5. Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and English
  6. Report writing skills – fluent in written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia
  7. Attention to detail and understand the importance of producing quality data
  8. Effective communication skills
  9. Availability to travel internationally for extended periods of time (1-2 weeks)
  10. Demonstrated analytical, critical appraisal and problem solving skills
Untuk anda yang berminat dengan lowongan kerja Summit Institute of Development dan sudah berpengalaman sebagai posisi jabatan diatas. Silahkan kirimkan surat lamaran dan CV lengkap secara ONLINE ke alamat di bawah inisebelum batas lwoongan kerja berakhir.

Sumber: http://karir.itb.ac.id/job_details/328083
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