Bursa Lowongan Kerja DEPNAKER Resmi Oktober 2018 Lulusan SMA SMK Diploma Sarjana Master Doktor Semua Jurusan, Informasi Lowongan Kerja BANK BUMN CPNS Terbaru Oktober 2018 Job Fair 2018 Di Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Customer Service PT Privy Identitas

Loker Terbaru Customer Service PT Privy Identitas Yogyakarta - PrivyID provides a credible electronic identity by verifying multiple government issued IDs, phone number, e-mail, and signature of a person. By ensuring that each person could only have one PrivyID, we prevent duplication of online services accounts and encourage people to act responsibly on the internet. On the other hand, PrivyID has established API connections with numerous online services (500+ merchants will be connected by 2017) so PrivyID holders could use their PrivyID as single login credential without the needs of remembering hundreds of usernames and passwords.

 Kantor pusat:

PT Privy Identitas
Jl. Jogokaryan No.7 Mantrijeron
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55142
website: www.privy.com

Lowongan Customer Service PT Privy Identitas

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai lowongan kerja PT Privy Identitas Yogyakarta, anda dapat simak dibawah ini mengenai jabatan yang dibuka dan syarat kualifikasi.

Lowongan Kerja PT Privy Identitas Yogyakarta

Customer Service Officer

  1. Maximum age of 30 yrs old 
  2. High School or College graduate 
  3. Familiar with the use of computers and smartphones
  4. DIlligent and observant 
  5. Willing to work on shift
Apakah anda tertarik dengan lowongan kerja sebagai Customer Service PT Privy Identitas di Yogyakarta ini? Anda dapat mendaftar lowongan kerja ini secara ONLINE melalui alamat dibawa ini sebelum batas lamaran pekerjaan berakhir.

Sumber: http://ecc.ft.ugm.ac.id/employer/site/view/1935/profil-pt-privy-identitas-digital
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